Engineering Science Facilities
The facilities in the Engineering Science and Physics Department provide students with modern computers, software, test equipment, and machines for fabrication.
Many engineering science courses require students to complete design-build projects and the prototyping lab and machine shops are used heavily by students to complete their projects. Below is a list of all our facilities unique to our department that students enrolled in our programs will have access to.
Engineering Lab

Nearly all freshman engineering science courses are taught in the Engineering Lab. This room houses 27 student computers, 2 laser printers, a 3D modeling printer, and all the software used in the courses.
Space is also provided for students who prefer to use their own laptop computers.
Students are encouraged to use this room after class to complete their computer-based assignments.
Physics Labs

Rooms 7-107 and 7-109 are used primarily for physics courses but are sometimes used to host small engineering science classes. In addition, these rooms are often available during the day for engineering science students to study in.
All physics labs are equipped with the modern instructional data acquisition systems that allow students to rapidly acquire and analyze data.
Prototyping Lab

The Engineering Science Prototyping Lab provides students with a variety of design and build capabilities. The front of the room contains computers, software, electronic test equipment, and meeting space for team meetings.
The back of the room is equipped with a soldering station, sheet metal tools, a grinder, drill press, band saw, mill, laser cutter, and a variety of hand tools and hardware. A 3D printer is also accessible to students.
Department Learning Centers

Both rooms 7-111 and 9-156 serve as Learning Centers for engineering science students.
Students have access to room 7-111 anytime the college is open. If the door is locked, students may request an MCC Public Safety Officer to open the door.
Room 9-156 is open many hours during the day and after hours for students.
Machine Shops

The Machine Shops are located on the Brighton Campus (9-156A) and at the Applied Technologies Center (ATC).
Engineering science students have access to manual and CNC controlled mills and lathes and a variety of other machine shop tools.
Engineering science students are closely supervised by faculty and staff from the Precision Tooling and Machining Department when using the shops.
Contact Information
Christopher Kumar
Department Chair
Brighton Campus
Building 8, Room 630
M thru F 8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-2001
Debbie Ake
Department Secretary
Brighton Campus
Building 8, Room 632
M thru F 8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-2001